You love English and love children, you are wondering how to become an English teacher for children. Sure you noticed that teaching English to children is becoming more and more… relevant.
Parents keep asking you to teach their kids, don’t they? Schools are terrible at it and parents everywhere are really looking for tools, or teachers, or both.
Great then, let’s teach English to children!
But HOW?
That is the question and actually, we do have some ideas on how to go about it…
First things first: Teachers teach. In Playgroups. Each Playgroup meets once a week, during the whole school year. During each session the teacher will coordinate activities and everybody will join him or her, both children and parents will play.
The teacher has a methodology, a very clear idea of which activities she will offer and why, and a lesson plan. Yet children will experience a playful atmosphere and will be encouraged to bring their own preferences and ideas into the playgroup.
A teacher can offer afternoon playgroups, as well as activities to do in schools or in summer camps. It’s not necessary to have a location dedicated to the activities, the location/s can be rented on an hourly basis, minimizing costs.
2. Could I become an English teacher for children?
Sure you can. Providing you love children, speak a very good English and are willing to learn.
You can start your own Learn with Mummy Playgroups!
Start them, manage them, run them. Create your dream job out of your passion, a job that would allow you total flexibility as to how much, when, where and with whom you work.
The idea of starting and managing something new can be intimidating, but it can be done, several teachers have done it already! Some have been in the job more than 10 years!
You can leverage all the experience, network and contacts that Learn with Mummy has built over the years.
Learn with Mummy would provide franchisees the training, materials and support for running and promoting their activities, as well as visibility through the blog, newsletter and social media. Last but not least, franchisees have an exclusivity area.
The exclusivity area bit is really important. It means you can grow your activity and don’t need to worry about unfair competition…
The franchisee agrees instead to pay an entry fee and an annual fee to Learn with Mummy, as well as to conduct activities in line with the guidelines and quality standards set by Learn with Mummy.
The fees will be easily covered by running one playgroup, the rest is for the teacher to keep!
No other major upfront costs are necessary, no need to have a physical location dedicated to these activities for instance.
Oh, and by the way, with this job you don’t have to work in summer unless you choose to…
Once you follow our training and advice, and with the support you’ll receive, you can find enough families to work with during the school year and you won’t need to work during the summer. You’ll be able to enjoy a long break with your kids, your family and/or your friends. (Or travelling solo, if this is your dream!)
4. Ok, what do I need then?
You need skills, passion, willingness to learn.
You need to be native speaker or near native, in short, your English must be of very very high level.
You need to be both proactive and collaborative.
You need to want to live a fulfilling life and to love your job.
If this is you, fill in the form below.
We will invite you to a 1 on 1 video cal and then we’ll take it from there.
The skills required to become an independent teacher
Ability to work with children and their parents
Communicative personality and a true desire to play and sing
Organizational skills
A bit of entrepreneurial spirit, the desire to own and manage your time and your future
Native or native-like command of English
5. Ok, what shall i do now?
Get in touch and let’s talk about it!
If you have been reading so far you probably have all these skills and use them in your daily life and work, now you just need the courage to take that extra step.
So here’s what that next step looks like:
Please fill in the form below. You’ll then receive more detailed information about Learn with Mummy and the franchising opportunity and we’ll take it from there.
I want to become a Teacher, too!
Tell me how!
leave your contact details and we’ll get in touch
We are looking forward to working with you!
Letizia (you can read some info about me here) and the Learn with Mummy teachers
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Fantastic! I would love to work with you. 🙂
Grazie e spero di entrare in contatto il prima possibile! Giulia