Here are the questions that some Italian children asked the Gifted Steppers’, and their answers. Lot’s sweetness, but also lot’s of food for thought.
The Gifted Steppers live in Lagos Nigeria. They are 33 kids between 4 and 16 years old. One young lady, Oma Harrison, a dancer, is giving them a home, making sure they go to school and she’s teaching them to play music and to dance, so that music and the arts can offer them a way out of poverty.
Please give!
IBAN: IT40B3608105138268320168337
name Letizia Quaranta
this is a bank account dedicated
exclusively to the Gifted Steppers
Reason: YOUR NAME + donation for the Gifted Steppers
100% of the money donated will go to the Gifted Steppers
Check out the Gifted Steppers and their rendition of Deck the Halls! So much energy, warmth and rhythm!
Learn with Mummy’s founder, Letizia Quaranta, knows personally the Gifted Steppers and Oma Harrison, the young dancer who gave them a roof, an education, music and dancing. Let me repat this: Oma takes care of 33 kids between 4 and 16 years old. All by herself!
Letizia will make sure that 100% of all the money donated will go directly to the kids.
Please help us spread the word and collect more donations
Please give!
IBAN: IT40B3608105138268320168337
name Letizia Quaranta
this is a bank account dedicated
exclusively to the Gifted Steppers
Reason: YOUR NAME + donation for the Gifted Steppers
100% of the money donated will go to the Gifted Steppers
By the way, this is not the first fundraising we are doing for the Gifted Steppers. In summer 2019 we bought bunk beds, matrasses and pillows for them. They were all sleeping on the floor…
They were beds for 23 kids, they are now 33 and those beds are still the only beds they have.
Here’s the video of the arrival of the beds. Don’t you want to be part of this joy!?
Thank you for your donation!
IBAN: IT40B3608105138268320168337
name Letizia Quaranta
this is a bank account dedicated
exclusively to the Gifted Steppers
Reason: YOUR NAME + donation for the Gifted Steppers
100% of the money donated will go to the Gifted Steppers
Dicembre 2023
30,00 euro, Sofia, Mattia e Giacomo
200,00 euro, Martina
50, 00 euro, Alessandra
100,00 euro, Alba e Enea
10 euro, Luciana
25 euro, Alessandra
30 euro, Stefania and Lidia
100,00, Doretta
20,00 Euro, Flores
Dicembre 2022
30 Euro, Elisa
50 Euro, Doretta
100 Euro, Marta
100 Euro, Alessandra
DEC. 2021
20,00 Euro, Viviana P.
30,00 Euro, Jacopo
30,00 Euro, Lucia O.
10,00 Euro, Carmela C.
74,00 Euro, Francesco e Raffaele
30,00 Euro, Giulio e Nicolò
20,00 Euro, Luca d.m.
10,00 Euro, Celeste B.
10,00 euro, Stefania C.
10,00 Euro, Simona S.
50,00 Euro, Luca e Matilde
30,00 Euro, Francesca e Chiara
10,00 Euro, Silvia A.
50,00 Euro, Sara M.
30,00 euro,Francesca T
10,00 euro, Stefania B.
100,00 euro, Valeria D.
100,00 euro, Marta R.
80,00 euro, Euro, Daniela F.
50,00 Euro, Marco e Riccardo (e a mamma e papà!)
100,00 Euro, Alessandra B.
(Listed in order of arrival, every donor should be able to find his/her donations though names are not made public unless it’s so requested by the donor.
Most of these donors are Italian, but not all, we have donors from the UK, from Germany, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Nigeria and Tunisia!)
95,73 Euro: many thanks to Robert A.
30 Euro: many thanks to Tiziana C.
50 Euro: many thanks to Riccardo e Federico
20 Euro: many thanks to Rosaria A.
50 Euro: many thanks to Monica M.
1080 Euro: thanks to the bingo (tombola) organized by Valentina F. !!!!!!!!
11 Euro: many thanks to Noemi G.
100 Euro: many thanks to Laura T.
50 Euro: many thanks to Dario, Stefy, Leo
50 Euro: many thanks to Maria Cristina M.
300 Euro: many thanks to J.L. (nemmeno lei è Jennifer Lopez!)
50 Euro: many thanks to Elena e Michele
100 Euro: many thanks to Concetta T.
50 Euro: many thanks to Alberto C.
150 Euro: many thanks to A.M.
50 Euro: many thanks to Giovanni C.
50 Euro: many thanks to Lorenzo, Giovanni e Alessandro
20 Euro: many thanks to Elia e Francesco
60 Euro: many thanks to family G.
40 Euro: many thanks to Celeste
20 Euro: many thanks to Z.
50 Euro: many thanks to Gloria C.
50 Euro: many thanks to Irene M.
50 Euro: many thanks to Rosalba
20 Euro: many thanks to Silvia S.
20 Euro: many thanks to Giuseppe D.
30 Euro: many thanks to Matteo Q.
50 Euro: many thanks to Anna e Matteo (e a mamma e papà)
50 Euro: many thanks to E.P e L.B
10 euro: many thanks to Sara C.D.C.
10 Euro: many thanks to K e F.
15 euro: many thanks to Francesca B.
30 Euro: many thanks to Andrea C.
20 euro: many thanks to Rebecca G.
50 Euro: many thanks to Ettore
25 Euro: many thanks to E., M. e M.
40 Euro: many thanks to Francesca B.
50 Euro: many thanks to Tiziana C.
150 Euro: many thanks tod Azzurra (e alla mamma!)
30 Euro: many thanks to Elena S.
270 Euro: many thanks to Alessandra P. (THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!)
10 Euro: many thanks to S. e mamma V.
50 Euro: many thanks to M.R.
10 Euro: many thanks to Isabella Z.
100 Euro: many thanks to Marta R.
10 Euro: many thanks to Katia P.
50 Euro: many thanks to Marco O. (sei il Marco O. che conosco dai tempi dell’Università?)
100 Euro: many thanks to Alessandro F.
25 Euro: many thanks to Marco P. (e a mamma e papà)
25 Euro: many thanks to Riccardo P. (e a mamma e papà)
100 Euro: many thanks to M.P.
100 Euro: many thanks to Nicoletta C.
100 Euro: many thanks to A.R. e M.R. (e a mamma e papà)
10 Euro: many thanks to M. e A. (e alla loro mamma)
30 Euro: many thanks to N.T. (e alla sua mamma)
150 Euro: many thanks to J. L. (no, non è Jennifer Lopez!)
15 euro: many thanks to Samuele F.
200 Euro: many thanks to Silvia D.
20 Euro: many thanks to Franco M.
30 Euro: many thanks to Laura P.
150 Euro: many thanks to A.S. e E.S. (e a mamma e papà)
50 Euro: many thanks to G.C. e C.C.
25 Euro: many thanks to D.D.
10 Euro: many thanks to Alice R.
50 Euro: many thanks to Raffaello C.
10 Euro: many thanks to Anita P.
50 Euro: many thanks to famiglia di Lorenzo
20 Euro: many thanks to Letizia V.
50 Euro: many thanks to Daniela D.
10 Euro: many thanks to Giada G.
20 Euro: many thanks to Alessia M.
10 Euro: many thanks to Francesca Z.
10 Euro: many thanks to Rosaria S.
20 Euro: many thanks to Famigghia di Catania
20 Euro: many thanks to Paola G.
20 Euro: many thanks to G. e N. (e a mamma e papà)
40 Euro: many thanks to Nicoletta B.
15 Euro: many thanks to Alessandra D.
30 Euro: many thanks to Francesca T.
15 Euro: many thanks to Gloria A.
100 Euro: many thanks to A. A.
109,33 Euro: many thanks to T. T.
50 Euro: donazione da Roma
30 Euro: many thanks to Barbara E.
20 Euro: many thanks to Lucio P.
10 Euro: many thanks to Adele B.
10 Euro: many thanks to Celeste B.
10 Euro: many thanks to Marianna Z.
20 Euro: many thanks to Luciana G.
50 Euro: many thanks to Caterina D.
150 Euro: many thanks to A.D., P.Q. e M.Q.
45,90 Euro: many thanks to G. e F., due generosi bambini
15 Euro: many thanks to Simona S.
20 Euro: many thanks to d.P.
50 Euro: many thanks to Ilaria B.
40 Euro: many thanks to Chiara R.
80 Euro: many thanks to 2B Scuola Romagnoli, Verona
10 Euro: many thanks to Claudia F.
100 Euro: many thanks to Alessandra B.