You would like to teach English to Children.
You know some songs and games, but you feel that this is not enough.
You would like to understand how children learn a second language.
You would like to have a method, and a lesson plan (that makes things so much easier!)
You are looking for someone to help you create, grow and manage your business.
You are a team player and you feel the need to share the experience with like-minded people.
Join the Learn with Mummy team!
Learn with Mummy offers you:
- a methodology to teach English to young children
- a sound business model
- a team of independent and collaborative teachers
Learn with Mummy offers kids and families:
- an emotionally rich experience of English (as a second language)
- very professional and very empathic teachers
- ideas and support to make English a family project
Learn more about what we do and how we do it:
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I want to be a Teacher!
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